In my one-day talks, I informally discuss my experiences with the writing process. With grades K-2, I focus on one or two of my ideas and simply explain how they became stories. Then I read one of these stories aloud to show how the idea grew into the story itself. I also discuss all the different places both real and imagined that story ideas can come from, using my own books as examples.
For older grades, I discuss my work in more detail, explaining how I construct a story, rewrite it (emphasizing the revision process) and see it through to publication.
Multiple-day programs or residencies are also possible. These can be organized by individual classes or larger groupings. Naturally, these events also require more planning and coordination between myself and the school.
I am happy to autograph any copies of my books, new or used, in conjunction with my talks. As you may know, you can order hardcover or paperback books usually on consignment from publishers in connection with any author visit, and your discount is generally 40%.
To order any books, please use the following numbers:
Abrams Appleseed: (212) 229-8869
Amazon Children's Publishing: (800) 648-2312 x1
Lerner/Millbrook: (800) 328-4929
Random House/Dell/Dial/Dorling Kindersley/Dutton/Puffin: (800) 733-3000
Scholastic: (800) 724-6527
Simon and Schuster/Aladdin: (800) 976-1726
For up-to-three talks within an hour's driving distance of my home: $900.00/day, all expenses included. (For talks 1-2 hours away, add $50.00 for expenses.)
For up-to-three talks 2-3 hours away which is the limit of a one-day roundtrip - $1300.00/day.
For up-to-three talks involving an overnight stay: $1300.00/day (plus transportation and lodging). This rate presumes that I will return home on the last day of speaking. If the schedule or the distance involved requires me to stay an extra night after I am done, there is an additional fee of $400.00. (International trips are negotiated individually depending on the schedule involved.)
On any day, either local or away from home, an additional talk may be scheduled for an extra $300.00.
Note: Each talk is 45-50 minutes long.
Teacher workshops (see below) also can be combined less expensively with school visits. If, for example, I am already going to a school for a day visit, an additional teacher talk after school will cost an extra $300.00, less than half the price of a workshop arranged separately.
Good writing is all about making choices. I want to get children excited about making these choices by sharing different strategies for engaging children in the writing process. In many years of visiting schools around the country, I have noticed that the teaching of writing generally is divided into two parts the mechanics of writing and the creative process. Both of these are important, of course, but I believe we also have to spend time building bridges between them.
In my workshops, I will share how my writing background has led me to develop activities for exploring every stage (generating ideas, building characters, developing themes and revising) of the writing process. I use examples from my books Write Away and 50 Great Reproducible Writing Workouts as well as other sources. My hope is that we can create a writing environment that will nurture as many children as possible.
Note: A workshop can last between one to two hours.
For one talk within an hour's driving distance of my home: $800.00 (all expenses included).
For two talks within an hour's driving distance of my home: $1000.00 (all expenses included). For talks beyond one hour's distance, but still within a one-day roundtrip, add $50.00 for expenses.
For one or two talks involving an overnight stay away from my home: $1300.00/day (plus transportation, lodging, meals). Also, the rate for speaking away from home assumes that I will return home on the last day of speaking. If the schedule or the distance involved requires me to stay an extra night after I am done, there is an additonal fee of $300.00.
Teacher workshops also can be combined less expensively with school visits. If, for example, I am already going to a school for a day visit, an additional teacher talk after school will cost an extra $300.00, much less than a workshop arranged separately.
Sometimes I am invited to speak at libraries or conferences or other special events. The appropriate fees and expenses can vary depending on the specifics involved.
For further information, please contact me directly at:
Stephen Krensky, 12 Coppersmyth Way, Lexington, MA 02421
Phone: (781) 862-7046
e-mail: stephenkrensky@gmail.com